Un Parti d’Opposition Rwandais s’Exprime sur la Crise a l’Est du Congo (RDC)

Situation à l’Est de la RDC: Il est grand temps de revisiter  l’Accord  du 27 janvier 2009 entre le Congrès National Démocratique (CND) et Le Gouvernement de la RDC. Une fois de plus, l’Est de la République démocratique du Congo est mis à feu et à sang par des milices et divers seigneurs de guerre,…

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Rwandan Opposition Group Expresses Its Position on the Crisis in Eastern Congo (DRC)

Situation in Eastern DRC:  The Time to Revisit  the Jan 27, 2009 Accord Between the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and DRC Government is Overdue. The Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo is once again put to fire and sword by various militias and warlords, most the backing from foreign governments. According to non government organizations…

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The Dilemma of Dictatorts Part V: Focus on Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea

Part IV of AfroAmerica Network’s series: The Dilemma of Dictators focused on arguably the most ruthless, corrupt, and cunning dictator that Africa has ever known: the self styled General Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda. As we write this, the extent of his appalling human rights record and massacres and his empire of corruption is being…

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Rwanda: When Seeking Peace Becomes Terrorism

Rwanda: When Seeking Peace Becomes Terrorism by Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD May 19, 2011 INTRODUCTION On May 5, 2011, the Rwandan New Times media outlet, widely known to be a mouthpiece of the Rwandan President General Paul Kagame and  his Intelligence Services, published an article written by Tom Ndahiro, one of the shadow communication advisors to…

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Rwanda: Quand La Recherche de la Paix Devient Terrorisme

Rwanda:  Quand La Recherche de la Paix Devient Terrorisme par  Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD le 19 mai 2011   INTRODUCTION Le 5 mai 2011, The New Times, un journal largement connu pour être sous la coupe du président rwandais général Paul Kagame et de ses services de renseignement, a publié un article écrit par Tom Ndahiro,…

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The Dead and the Undertaker: Paul Kagame Defies the West

The Dead and the Undertaker: Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame  threatens the West. by  Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD and David O’Brian AfroAmerica Network. London, Great Britain, March 20, 2009 It is often said that the dead doesn’t argue with the undertaker and that one of the most puzzling phenomenon is why criminals return to the scenes of…

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