Rwanda: Quand La Recherche de la Paix Devient Terrorisme

Rwanda:  Quand La Recherche de la Paix Devient Terrorisme par  Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD le 19 mai 2011   INTRODUCTION Le 5 mai 2011, The New Times, un journal largement connu pour être sous la coupe du président rwandais général Paul Kagame et de ses services de renseignement, a publié un article écrit par Tom Ndahiro,…

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The Dilemma of Dictators: Part 1

On October 8, 2010  AfroAmerica Network published a discourse titled  “A Case For General Paul Kagame: the President of Rwanda”.   Following the publication, AfroAmerica got a lot of comments from the readers. Some reproached AfroAmerica Network of having turned  pro-Kagame, others said we showed our bias against the regime  led by General Paul Kagame and…

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The Fallacies of Stephen Kinzer: Human Rights is A Tyranny – Case of Rwanda

On December 31, 2010 The Guardian published an article by Mr Stephen Kinzer, a US journalist and author. In the article,  titled “End human rights imperialism now” ( see here):  Steven Kinzer attacks human rights groups, singling out the reputable Human Rights Watch for having “lost their way by imposing western, ‘universal’ standards on developing countries.”   Unfortunately …

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A Case for Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda

Painting: Diogenes searches for an honest man. Painting attributed to J.H.W Tischbein Here it goes again. Another discourse about Paul Kagame, the self styled President of Rwanda. Today I will call him President, not the Dictator, not the Tyrant, not the General President, just the President. Why? Because today’s discourse is not really mine. It…

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Rwanda: When Statistics Lie

Rwanda: When Statistics Lie Being an ignorant in economics matters, I approached my friend Dr. Felicien Kanyamibwa who is a statistician and econometrician and a Rwandan expert to explain the discrepancies in the Rwandan GDP and economic growth numbers. I was trying to understand the discussions between two Rwandans: One, Dr. Ngarambe Joseph, who claimed…

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Ways to Help Africa: Clear From Dictators

Response to Pr. Jendayi Frazer:  US President should not shake bloody hands of dictators Jendayi E. Frazer, former US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs proposed  ways to help Africa in the article titled “Four Ways to Help Africa”, published in the Wall Street Journal on August 25, 2009.  One of the four ways…

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General Kagame, Open the doors to Rwandan Refugees

Déclaration à l’ Occasion des Cérémonies Officielles de Lancement du Processus de Désarmement. C’est une grande joie pour moi de prendre la parole en ce jour ci à Kasiki à l’occasion du lancement officiel du processus de désarmement volontaire des combattants du Ralliement pour l’Unité et la Démocratie et le Rassemblement du Peuple Rwandais (RUD/RPR)…

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Crossing the chasm: The pride of African shepherd’s exuberance

Washington, D.C.: “Crossing the chasm: The pride of African shepherd’s exuberance.” AfroAmerica Network. Baltimore, December 26, 2008. On September 1, 2004, AfroAmerica Newtrok editors wrote the article titled “Baraka Obama, from goat shepherd to US Congress: “ I will make you the shepherd of man””. Little did they know that the prophesy will become true….

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