Rwanda: Do not politicize Memories, Honor and Rebuilding

Do not politicize Memories, Honor and Rebuilding by Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD Usually, around this time I write a piece on a topic dear to my heart. As I was thinking about the compelling thoughts I should share,  I surprised myself:  I found myself  reading a speech by  General Paul Kagame of Rwanda. On April 7,…

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Rwanda: La Mémoire, l’Honneur et La Reconstruction Ne Sont Pas à Politiser

La Mémoire, l’Honneur et La Reconstruction Ne Sont Pas à Politiser par Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD. Habituellement, à cette époque j’écris un article sur un sujet qui me tient à cœur. Au moment  où j’essayais de m’imaginer quelle pensée je devais partager avec les autres, je me suis surpris moi-même: je me suis retrouvé entrain de…

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The Dilemma of Dictatorts Part V: Focus on Obiang Nguema of Equatorial Guinea

Part IV of AfroAmerica Network’s series: The Dilemma of Dictators focused on arguably the most ruthless, corrupt, and cunning dictator that Africa has ever known: the self styled General Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda. As we write this, the extent of his appalling human rights record and massacres and his empire of corruption is being…

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The Dilemma of Dictators Part IV: One Down, More to Go: Focus on Paul Kagame of Rwanda

In Part III of our series, the Dilemma of Dictators, we urged dictators to break the cycle of violence and fade away in peace, instead of being haunted by the ghosts of their crimes for years in dark cells, if not killed in the process, meeting the same fate as Samuel Doe, Nicolae Ceausescu, and…

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Rwanda: When Seeking Peace Becomes Terrorism

Rwanda: When Seeking Peace Becomes Terrorism by Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD May 19, 2011 INTRODUCTION On May 5, 2011, the Rwandan New Times media outlet, widely known to be a mouthpiece of the Rwandan President General Paul Kagame and  his Intelligence Services, published an article written by Tom Ndahiro, one of the shadow communication advisors to…

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Rwanda: Quand La Recherche de la Paix Devient Terrorisme

Rwanda:  Quand La Recherche de la Paix Devient Terrorisme par  Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD le 19 mai 2011   INTRODUCTION Le 5 mai 2011, The New Times, un journal largement connu pour être sous la coupe du président rwandais général Paul Kagame et de ses services de renseignement, a publié un article écrit par Tom Ndahiro,…

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With Kagame’s Junta Rwanda Cannot Be a Model of Success

Dear Fareed Zakaria, Producer/Host CNN GPS I follow with great interest your insightful program GPS.  The July 19, 2009 show  dealing with Rwanda and having the current Rwandan President Paul Kagame as a guest was  particularly captivating. Your questions pointed to real issues. Unfortunately, the guest failed to provide honest  answers, and I believe a…

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Beyond the Myth of Ex-Far and Interahamwe

Rwandan Patriotic Army vs. Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda: The Untold Story of the Congolese Tragedy Beyond the Myth of Ex/FAR Interahamwe. By Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD* January 15, 2009 On December 5, 2008, the Rwandan and the DRC Governments signed in Kigali yet another agreement for the military disarmament of the armed groups roaming the…

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