A Case for Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda

Painting: Diogenes searches for an honest man. Painting attributed to J.H.W Tischbein Here it goes again. Another discourse about Paul Kagame, the self styled President of Rwanda. Today I will call him President, not the Dictator, not the Tyrant, not the General President, just the President. Why? Because today’s discourse is not really mine. It…

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What Would Rwandan Paul Kagame Do?

By David O’Brian, AfroAmerica Network Editor. Cartoon: credit AgaculamamuKibunda AfroAmerica Network has been following with ambivalence the election process in Rwanda. Ambivalence because for one, in the absence of a serious challenge, Paul Kagame was a sure successor to himself, and most importantly because, despite our persistent criticisms of how Paul Kagame is leading Rwanda,…

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Rwanda: When Statistics Lie

Rwanda: When Statistics Lie Being an ignorant in economics matters, I approached my friend Dr. Felicien Kanyamibwa who is a statistician and econometrician and a Rwandan expert to explain the discrepancies in the Rwandan GDP and economic growth numbers. I was trying to understand the discussions between two Rwandans: One, Dr. Ngarambe Joseph, who claimed…

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Ways to Help Africa: Clear From Dictators

Response to Pr. Jendayi Frazer:  US President should not shake bloody hands of dictators Jendayi E. Frazer, former US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs proposed  ways to help Africa in the article titled “Four Ways to Help Africa”, published in the Wall Street Journal on August 25, 2009.  One of the four ways…

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With Kagame’s Junta Rwanda Cannot Be a Model of Success

Dear Fareed Zakaria, Producer/Host CNN GPS I follow with great interest your insightful program GPS.  The July 19, 2009 show  dealing with Rwanda and having the current Rwandan President Paul Kagame as a guest was  particularly captivating. Your questions pointed to real issues. Unfortunately, the guest failed to provide honest  answers, and I believe a…

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Beyond the Myth of Ex-Far and Interahamwe

Rwandan Patriotic Army vs. Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda: The Untold Story of the Congolese Tragedy Beyond the Myth of Ex/FAR Interahamwe. By Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD* January 15, 2009 On December 5, 2008, the Rwandan and the DRC Governments signed in Kigali yet another agreement for the military disarmament of the armed groups roaming the…

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Crossing the chasm: The pride of African shepherd’s exuberance

Washington, D.C.: “Crossing the chasm: The pride of African shepherd’s exuberance.” AfroAmerica Network. Baltimore, December 26, 2008. On September 1, 2004, AfroAmerica Newtrok editors wrote the article titled “Baraka Obama, from goat shepherd to US Congress: “ I will make you the shepherd of man””. Little did they know that the prophesy will become true….

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