Black Panther: A movie I invite everyone to watch; Highlights of Challenges Faced by Resources Rich Africa and Blacks.
by Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD, MqBA., Feb 18, 2018

With Black Panther, Ryan Coogler created a master piece. It is a movie to watch by almost every one. With a predominantly Black cast and strong women characters, it is inspirational for Blacks: young boys, girls, and adults.
Science fiction enthusiasts, political activists, anti-poaching activists, diplomats, intelligence services operatives, humanitarians, those fighting against child soldiers recruitement or aduction of young girls by armed groups, and you name it, will certainly find Black Panther movie appealing.
As I was watching the movie, I was easily able to connect the myth to the contemporary issues faced by African countries in the middle of the geopolitical interests. The movie speaks eloquently to the moment, the dynamics, and chaos generated by the search and looting of African natural resources.
Like the fictitious small East African Kingdom of Wakanda, African nations sit on the immense natural resources. Rare minerals, wood, animals, and other resources abound. As long as these resources are not discovered, these people in these nations live peacefully. The World sees facades of poverty, but inside their homelands, the people live peacefully. Except, of course, the potential royal rivalvies for leadership.
However, multinational companies, adventurers, criminals, and cartels do not sit still and are constantly searching for those natural resources, that, they know, are hidden, somewhere. Once these resources are found, these outside forces fuel rivalries
and mount brothers against brothers, with the aim to create chaos, and amid the chaos, take over the riches for themselves. The negative consequences do not only impact African countries or Blacks. The whole world feels the consequences.
It takes then people who love the countries more than themselvers and individuals around them. Everybody, especially women
have a major role to play. Those resources rich countries can, using their resources themselves, wisely and smartly, develop technologies and solutions to advance the wellfare of their people and bring the good to the World. The leadership and people of these countries, must of course, be ready to defeat the attempts by their power hungry tyrants depicted by Erik Killmonger character, played by Michael B, Jordan.
This requires that well intentioned leaders, such as the character T’Challa Black Panther, played by Chadwick Boseman, overcome their fears and lack of confidence and put people first and become good neighbors and open to the World. They may need strong partners around them, such as the three strong women: the special forces women commanders Okoye, played by Danai Giurira and Ayo, played by Florence Kasumba, but also most importantly a woman in their personal lives, such as Black Panther’s love, Nakia, played by Lupita Nyango. One intersting character played by Letitia Wright is Shuri, a bright young princess, who has mastered the world most advanced technologies that the Kingdom of Wakanda has developed.
These technologies fueled by the rare extraterrestrial mineral Vibranium, like the hidden rare minerals and other natural resources in Africa are what the bad guys are after.
The strength of the movie is that, being almost entirely led by a Black cast, has been a smashing hit. The strong women are role models for young girls, especially Black girls.
Black Panther is an inspirational movie to watch. I enjoyed the movie.
Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD, MqBA
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